Media Browser and the Xbox 360

The first step in using Media Browser on your Xbox 360 is to add it as an extender within Media Center. If you don’t know how, go ahead and watch the video below. It contains not only setting up your Xbox 360 as an extender, but also securing that the permissions for your Xbox are set accordingly. After you setup your Xbox, navigate your way to C:\Users\. If you setup your Xbox correctly, you should see a user that begins with “mxc1”. Either copy down to the clipboard the entire folder name, or write it down. Once you’ve done that, navigate over to C:\ProgramData\. It’s a hidden folder so either manual type in the address, or change the folder options so you can view hidden folders. Right-click on the “MediaBrowser” folder select “Share with > Specific people…” This should bring up an “Add Users” Dialog box. Either paste or type in the user name that you wrote earlier and click “Add”. This should turn that user name into a fancy “uuid”. Click on “share”, then “done”. After you click done, make sure to change the permissions from “Read” to “Read and Write” for the user you just added.  Thats it! If you have any questions, go a head and leave me a comment and I’ll try to get back to you! Thanks for reading/watching!